Friday, February 13, 2009


So, I just happened upon a blog by a guy that regularly posts on the SORBA (Southeastern Off Road Bicycling Association) website. Apparently, he is trying to market himself as a "blog expert". Most (of what little I read) seems to be trying to tell the visitor how to create a successful, and, I assume from what he's writing, profitable blog.

Problem is, half the sentences didn't make any sense. Some were riddled with punctuation errors. Others were simply partial sentences. There were at least 5 words on his home page that were spelled wrong.

I was listening to talk radio last night while cleaning dishes. It was a sports talk show discussing media and the sports fan. The host suggested that blogs have become a legitimate source of sports information....BUT, the bloggers don't have any accountability. That's a pretty big "but" in my mind! He lamented that the internet doesn't have any rules, and he's right. You can pretty much say or do whatever you want on the internet and there's no police.

Back to the above mentioned blog - it looked really slick, but I just don't know how you can claim to be an expert on anything that shows a complete lack of respect for our language. Oh, well.

Random "pisses me off" subject of the week:
Wednesday, I did something I rarely do. I went to Starbucks for a cup of coffee. I got my coffee and looked for a place to sit for a couple of minutes so I wouldn't spill my hot beverage in the car like I'm known to do.

I look around for a table, but there's not a single seat available. What I do observe is that at least half the tables are being taken up by someone with a laptop, and, in some instances, a pile of shit strewn all over the place. Why the FUCK is this acceptable? How does buying a four dollar cup of coffee entitle you to set up a home office for 3 or 4 hours??? I see it everytime I go in there, and I just don't get it. This is a RETAIL establishment. Would you sit in the aisle at Kroger and sample food for 3 hours? Starbucks' stock is in the shitter, in case you haven't noticed. I wonder why? I'd say it has at least a little to do with the fact that people aren't BUYING coffee. They are simply "hanging out" at the coffee shop.

Walk into Barnes & Noble. Look at all the people sitting around like it's their living room or the public library; little study groups here and there. Look over at the douchebag taking vigilant notes out of the "Job Searching for Dummies" book. It's a BOOKSTORE! They SELL books! I can pretty much assure you that in 10 years we won't remember what a bookstore was.

Got that off my chest. Off to do a little bike ride before heading to work. Happy Valentine's Day!

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