Thursday, January 17, 2008

The snowstorm, corn on the cob, and the damn treehouse

I worked 15 hours yesterday as we did inventory at the shop. It started snowing in the late afternoon, a real rarity here in Atlanta. When I got home after midnight, stately Brookshire Manor was covered in a soft blanket of wet southern snow. Like a moron that had never seen snow, I stood on my front lawn at 1:00 a.m. and took a picture.

Olivia was in a good mood when I took her to school this morning. She's excited because she's got a loose tooth. Apparently it hasn't affected her ability to talk my ear off all the way to school.

Unbeknownst to me, we are having a "sleepover" party at my house on July 4th. Olivia is going to cook my favorite food, corn on the cob (who knew?). Sure, I LIKE corn on the cob, but it doesn't register on my favorite food radar screen.

The sleepover will take place in the damn treehouse (see earlier post). I've been thinking about this damn treehouse. I had a plan where I'd take a couple of hundred bucks in materials and a couple of days of labor and probably make something she'd enjoy. Uh, wrong! Apparently the treehouse is going to be big enough for sleepovers for her friends where "it has to be big enough to play Duck, Duck, Goose".

I think the damn treehouse is about to become one of a long line of lessons in DISAPPOINTMENT for Olivia. Hopefully, her mother has prepared her for this. I kid about the damn treehouse, but it's hard for me not to laugh when I think about what her vision is and what reality will be. Anyone reading this knows I'd fall on a hundred swords for my daughter, but I'll probably always be known for things I didn't do. She is, after all, a princess.
This poor tree has no idea what my daughter has in mind.>

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