Monday, June 9, 2008

Ground Zero

The shit is about to hit the fan. I'm officially fed up with my life the way it is. Last week, I made a deadline - August 1. I'll be mowing lawns or working at a new career. It's not what I'd call "set in stone", but it's as definitive as I can be right now. Anybody that reads this: If you need someone with above average intelligence and a willingness to do almost anything then contact me. I'm tired of trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. I know I can do whatever is set in front of me. Working retail hours for lousy pay is not my idea of fun anymore. I think that I've been pretty good at just about everything I've ever done, so bring it on.

Every day has a goal from here on out. It may not be a big goal...hell, it may not even be a goal that "moves me forward", but goals will be met regardless. Today began as "organize your fucking life" day. It's 2:30 and I've filled 4 garbage bags full of shit, with more to come.

Olivia is at High School Musical Camp this week. I couldn't make it up if I tried. Bottom line: she's excited and, therefore, I'm excited. I'll pick her up at 5:30 today and I think we're going to go watch Kung Fu Panda....or some such nonsense. She may spend the night with me tonight. This morning was the first time I've seen her in a week. Last week she took tennis and swim lessons at her grandmother's. She seems to really like tennis. She hits the ball really well for a 5 year old.

Back to cleaning.

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