Monday, February 4, 2008

The missing tooth and los americanos terrible...

This pic is for my mom and dad, who are currently getting their tan on and rolling tortillas south of the border. My dad has probably befriended the local Mexican engineer, helping him translate some of Newton's laws into his native tongue (and, of course, pointing out where Newton might have been wrong.) Meanwhile, my mom has already been branded "La Risa" or, loosely translated, "The Laugher". They probably have no idea what she's trying to say as she thumbs through her dog-eared copy of Spanish for Idiots, but they know she is the Happy American.

My mom left me a cryptic voicemail last week. Apparently, they were about to enter Mexico. I could have sworn she was calling from the launchpad of the Space Shuttle. "We're heading off into the unknown territory. We'll be out of contact for quite some time...." Elton John sounded less fearful when he sang Rocket Man. I thought I could hear my dad talking to the Border Patrol in the background..."La senorita es loco...." then "Our gross vehicular weight is 28,654 libras. How many pesos do you need, Senor?" Aye, caramba!

The Canadians are currently digging a 3000 mile trench across their border from my parents' visit last summer. The USA will probably be an island in short order after their current trip....

Love you, mom and dad!

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