Saturday, March 29, 2008

A day in the life of a Professional Cyclist

The last two years I raced bicycles I filed a W-2 that included the job of "Professional bicycle racer". I held a Pro license and had a couple of contracts with sponsors. By no means did I ever "make" money racing a bicycle. As a pro you are entitled to claim losses, which I did. Sure, there were a few weekends where my winnings outweighed my expenses, but it was certainly the exception and not the norm.

Today I made $150 riding my bike for two hours. A customer who happens to own a very successful commercial real estate investment company wanted someone to ride with him this weekend. I volunteered. He simply needed the encouragement of an experienced rider to take care of the logistics of planning the ride, route and pace.

We rode at a relatively leisurely pace until I suggested some intervals, to which he wholeheartedly agreed to. After our two hour ride, he took me to lunch and handed me $150 cash for "gas money"....uh, we drove HIS Lexus.

Long story short, he wants to ride again on Monday or Tuesday. I think I'll make the time!

While riding, we discussed his desire to implement a fitness program to his employees (roughly 8 or 9 people). These people are NOT athletes. He just thinks they'd benefit from some sort of individualized plan. On the way home I thought "why not me?". I just finished writing a proposal for his company and hatched Brookshire Fitness Solutions. It took all of 2 hours to write the proposal and design the logo. If it pays off, it will be time well spent. I'll let you know if anything comes from it. In the meantime, I'm enjoying my return to professional cycling!

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