Thursday, December 13, 2007


No, the title isn't about the (gosh, I'm shocked) revelation today that a bunch of professional baseball players used steroids. It refers to the TV show.
I just rode for a while on my indoor trainer and was searching for something to watch on TV while I pedaled my ass off going nowhere. I settled on 'Cheaters'. Excuse the profanity, but fuck, what has the world come to? It made me sick to my stomach. If you haven't seen it, then you should. You'll consider cancelling your cable or satellite subscription.

This freaky looking goon helps some poor guy or girl find out if they are being cheated on. Apparently, the climax of the show is the "CONFRONTATION" - as in, "Up next, the CONFRONTATION!" It will make you laugh and probably puke, but is a lot like a car wreck - you can't look away. It's a half hour of my life that I'll never get back.

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