Tuesday, December 18, 2007

the lake

As I stated in a previous post, we rode INTO a LAKE at the Alabama race on Sunday. Here is a picture someone posted on the Bama Cross website. It actually doesn't do much justice. You can see the third rider is about to go into a hole....uh, there were several of these where your pedal would actually be under water. The last lap I figured out a pretty good line. Apparently these jackasses were watching and didn't make the same mistakes I did.

Cyclocross is the dumbest sport I've ever done....and I can't wait until next season.

***EDIT: A friend just sent me the second picture - this is classic, and exactly what I feared doing. Did I mention I couldn't feel my hands.....and they were DRY! Oh, and that it was blowing snow flurries. Poor guy is probably still waiting for his testicles to descend....

1 comment:

privateer said...

Guys on the course kept telling people the middle line was the best, but actually the inside line turned out most solid. I received that knowledge too late, but luckily managed to (slowly) ride it each time.

Glad you Georgia guys could make it for the only real weather we've had this year. More photos are up on bamacross.com and probably more coming in the next few days.