Thursday, December 13, 2007

Random musings

It's the middle of December and I was mowing my lawn in shorts on Tuesday - another reason I love the south.

My daughter calls short-sleeve shirts "up sleeve" and long sleeve shirts "down sleeve". I don't correct her. Firstly, it sounds cute. Secondly, it's actually more accurate.... "Daddy, guess what? I'm wearing an up sleeve shirt under this sweater!"

I bought a fake Christmas Tree for the first time in my life. I thought I would have a hard time dealing with it... Uh, yeah, not really. There are no needles all over my floor. I haven't spilled a bunch of water trying to keep it alive until December 26th. The wire branches hold my old sentimental ornaments (which is really what it's all about) pretty well. Maybe I should buy a fake dog....

My life is not the best right now. I'm struggling trying to figure out what I'm going to do when I grow up, finances are pretty tight, and I'm feeling my age when I exercise. That said, my life is infinitely better than about half of my friends right now. I have too many people I know going through some really life changing things right now. I'm pretty damn lucky.

Don't promise a five year old girl something you can't deliver. In October I had a conversation with Olivia that went something like this:
Me: "Olivia, would you like it if I built a treehouse in that big Oak tree?"
Olivia: "A treehouse? That's cool."
Me: "OK, maybe I'll build one next spring." forward to this past Monday......
Olivia: "Daddy, when will the treehouse be done?"
Me: "Hmmmm, I don't know. It will be in the Spring if you still want it."
Olivia: "OK, but we need to talk about it because I invited my friends over for a tea party in it."
Me: (under my breath) "Holy shit....what have I done???"

Whoever invented french fries and potato chips should be given a Nobel Peace Prize - because I'd f***ing kill someone if I couldn't have one of those at least once every couple of days.

There may be no worse feeling in sports (and I use the term loosely) than someone calling your big bet when you're totally bluffing during a poker game. Conversely, there may be no better feeling than pushing a guy off a great hand with absolutely nothing in yours.

Crocs on adult men look stupid and scream "yuppie dad"...too bad they are so damn comfortable.....and I'm wearing mine now.....and I'm wearing socks with them...and I may actually leave the house at some point today without taking them off....
I'm picking my kid up from school early today. Because I can. And because I won't be able to do it when she's 40.

The internet is awesome, but USA Today and a sausage biscuit in the morning rocks. As does a good beer and Outside magazine in bed.

In my opinion, you get what you pay for when you purchase a cheap pair of shoes, a cheap chainsaw or a cheap set of stereo speakers. Life's too short to not have quality in these areas.

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