Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Like winning the Lottery

Olivia and I stopped by the grocery store on the way home yesterday. We needed to return a movie and get just a few items - peanut butter, chips, etc. While walking down the cleaning supplies aisle I remembered that I was about out of toilet paper. I'm pretty snobbish about my TP, but for some reason I grabbed a four pack of the house brand - it looked to be of decent quality. I figured it would do until payday when I could afford an eight pack of the good stuff...

We go to pay and the kind, old, wrinkled, heavily made-up cashier says "You got the penny item". I looked at her quizzically. She said "Well, I'm going to give it to you anyway (with a wink). This toilet paper is the 'secret penny item'." SHANGRI LA!! I'm gonna wipe my butt for the next week basically free with GreenWise Market Double Roll Bathroom Tissue goodness! If life gets any better than this I may just eat some rat poison and die content.

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