Monday, August 11, 2008

Meet N' Greet

Today was meet and greet at school. Olivia starts first grade on Wednesday. Her teacher is Mrs. Pacifico, who has been an assistant teacher, but this will be her first year as a head teacher. She seems very nice. The school looks phenomenal. There was a lot of construction last year, but now the grass has grown in and it looks great.

Olivia only has 12 kids in her class - I guess that's one of the huge benefits of private school. Olivia and I went to Chick-Fil-A with a few moms and their kids afterwards. Sometimes I feel pretty odd being the only dad at a lot of functions, but I'm trying to be a little more social this year. We are, once again, the only divorced parents in Olivia's class. Odd, considering today's divorce rate.
What a hen house these types of functions are. I understand that there are a lot of traditional families in East Cobb, but sometimes I wonder if Olivia is the only child with a dad at that school. It's a bunch of friggin' women standing around talking about "mom" stuff....and none of them are remotely cute. It would be one thing if I was standing there listening to them go on and on about the cost of eggs and I could at least be thinking "Hmmm, Kate's mom's got a nice rack"....but, no, they dress in their Winnie the Pooh T-shirts and their Keds and look like a member of a late 80's sitcom.

Here are some pics:
Looking in the classroom from outside
Olivia's favorite subject

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