Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Girl

Wood Acres School map ^

The first day of school went off without a hitch. I drove Olivia to school yesterday - walked her in, took a pic of her with her teacher, settled her at her desk, kissed her and left. When I picked her up she seemed to have had a great day. She is really a very happy girl.

When I got her home we went through her folder. There was a school calendar in there and I asked her if she could ask the teacher for another copy for me. She is acutely aware that her parents are divorced, but sometimes wears it as a badge of pride...It's strange, but I'm sure it's just one way she copes with it. She said "Sure, I need to tell her that sometimes I need two copies of things because my parents are divorced". It was matter-of-fact and very adult of her....and, she'll remember. She has the memory of an elephant.

I'm going to pick her up today and we'll go do the mountain bike time trials that were postponed from last week. I think she'll enjoy it. I think they are going to give her a job to decorate people's number plates. I don't have anything planned for us this weekend. I need to be more creative with her and think of new activities.

Gotta get to work and make something productive of this day off.

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